You can help us combat the housing emergency for just £1

Become a Cornwall Community Land Trust Member/Supporter

Cornwall CLT has been successfully working with communities across Cornwall and on the Scillies to provide homes for locals forever for the last 15 years. It is one of the most successful CLTs in the UK – delivering nearly 300 homes across 27 projects. We’re working with local CLT and community groups in 20 other locations to deliver hundreds more.

We’d like you to join us. For just £1 for a lifetime membership, you can become a shareholder of Cornwall Community Land Trust.  You will then be part of a wider – not just Cornwall-wide, but a UK, European and indeed international – Community Land Trust movement, that is working around the globe to make community-led housing a force for change.

We value our supporters and want 2023 to be a year when we, the community-led housing movement here in Cornwall and on Scilly, grows and shows it can make the difference. Here in Cornwall, you will be privy to the work of CCLT in the various communities where it is now active and feel enabled to engage in the processes and discussion behind our projects and our work.  For example, helping us lobby for more funding to enable projects such as those featured in this newsletter to get off the ground.  We are very aware that despite all the voluntary effort and commitment of the communities in which we are working, without adequate public subsidy in the form of government grant, truly affordable housing cannot be delivered.

You will get priority invitation to seminars, meetings and events we hold and to information we circulate.

In addition, we occasionally need extra voluntary help with specific issues – such as lobbying members of parliament or Cornwall Council.  By your joining the wider Cornwall CLT family of shareholders, we feel supported in our efforts to work for the many locals with unmet housing need. You also have a big say on what we do, who is on our Board and what our annual priorities should be.

It couldn’t be easier … download the application form here, complete and return it.  Once we’ve received your application we’ll get back to you to arrange payment of the £1 and issue you with a share certificate, and look forward to seeing you at our next AGM.

If you want to add a small donation to your £1 share to support our work, we would be very grateful and will put any donations received into a charity account to support the development of new and innovative schemes.