Welcome extension of CLH Enabling Hub Project

CCLT has been hosting the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly CLH (Community-Led Homes) Enabling Hub with just one year’s funding since 1st April 2020.  Hub funding has enabled CCLT to extend the support it can offer to CLH projects – not only to Community Land Trusts, but how it can do more to support cohousing, housing coops and other CLH projects.

The national network of CLH Hubs had anticipated further Government announcements about future funding but nothing has come until very recently when we received welcome news that projects can be extended to the end of September 2021.  Whilst there is no new money available to fund the project and, as yet, no prospect of the renewal of the Community Housing Fund by central government, we are at least able to continue to offer the wider range of services of the Hub and we have committed to retain our excellent CLH Advisor – Pattie Richmond – to support projects, both potential CLTs and especially housing co-operatives, co-housing and self-build groups.

The CCLT Hub can fund early stage development costs and provide Technical Assistance for specific commissioned pieces of work to enable projects to progress.  It can also now offer help towards other small incidental costs, such as the preparation of reports required for planning applications or lenders. For further information please contact

Coming Soon:

Following the success of its previous CLH Seminars, CCLT will be running a seminar on community-led housing project finance on Wednesday 14th April.  Further details, booking arrangements and programme will be announced soon on, so be sure to keeping checking back on the website.