Warm thankyous as CCLT prepares for new era at this year’s AGM

This year’s AGM will mark some big changes to the Board of Cornwall CLT. We will bid a fond farewell to three members who have dedicated many years and volunteer time to the work of our charity. Our Chair, Matt Ward, will stand down after 4 years in the chair and 7 years on the Board. Chris Moyle will stand down as Chair of the Finance and Audit Committee and retire from the Board after 6 years.

Company Secretary, Alan Fox, will retire from that role, bringing to an end his outstanding contribution as both a founding member and first Director of Cornwall CLT from 2006. His work has been recognised nationally as a leading exponent of community-led housing with an outstanding record of project delivery.

Left to right: Matt Ward, Chris Moyles and Alan Fox

Joining the Board recently have been Simon Williams, Director of Percy Williams Builders, and well-known around Cornwall in the building industry, and Robin Edwards, a chartered accountant, who will take on the role vacated by Chris Moyle and will lead the Finance and Audit Committee. We’re also delighted that former Cornwall Councillor, Kerrier District Council Chairman and long-standing Mullion Parish Councillor, Carolyn Rule, has also joined the Board.  We were pleased earlier this year to have been joined by Cornwall Council‘s representative on the Board, Councillor Tara Sherfield-Wong. We welcome all our new members.

At the AGM it will also be proposed that long-standing member, Justin Day, be appointed to the Board and take on the role of Company Secretary, following Alan Fox’s retirement. Justin is a solicitor and works for the St Petrocs Society – the Truro based charity which works to combat homelessness.