Victory for CLT’s

We welcome the Government’s announcement it will exempt all community led housing development, including CLTs, from the forthcoming ban on leasehold houses and ground rents.

This decision is a huge victory for the CLT movement. It means communities can continue to use the leasehold system ethically to provide and protect affordable houses, and to steward land for community benefit.

The announcement came after over 18 months of lobbying by CLTs including Cornwall CLT and the National CLT Network.

Our Director Andrew George says: “The leasehold system has been dragged in to disrepute by some private developers who have exploited the system to ratchet up ground rents on unsuspecting home buyers. We’re delighted this growing abuse is being stamped out.

“However, we had been concerned that a blanket ban would have created unintended consequences for CLTs who use leasehold and modest ground rents to protect community assets for community benefit in perpetuity.

“Our lobbying has ensured that community needs were highlighted in the consultation. This is a victory we can all share.”