New Tenants at Ruan Minor

We are delighted to confirm that in September six tenants with strong connections with the locality will be taking up residence in the homes at Ruan Minor.

This project is the product of a successful partnership between Grade Ruan Community Land Trust and Cornwall CLT.  Built by Cathedral Builders, the homes meet CCLT’s emphasis on good standards of construction. CCLT thanks Cornwall Council’s Affordable Housing Team which has supported us throughout, Homes England for grant funding and Cornwall Community Foundation for essential support, including the biodiversity enhancements (bird boxes, hedgehog highway, bat boxes etc).

These are in perpetuity affordable homes which provide secure tenancies at an affordable rent – a statutory term which means rents will never rise above local housing allowance (benefit) levels. The scheme is a credit to the endeavour of all the volunteers at Grade Ruan CLT.

This is what it’s all about. We’re delighted to successfully deliver our 27th affordable housing project in the last 13 years and we wish our new tenants the very best in their new homes.