Nancledra’s young eco-warriors prepare ground for local homes

We will soon be ready to start on site building nine affordable homes in Nancledra. CCLT has worked closely with the local community centred around Nancledra School to bring these much needed homes forward to meet strong local need.

There has already been a lot of interest in the homes – five of which will be for rent and four for purchase under the Shared Ownership scheme.

We’re partnering with Coastline Housing to deliver these homes for people with a local connection to the Nancledra area.

Our Development Officer Jennifer Hawkins, who’s the lead on the Nancledra project, says “It’s fantastic that we have reached the point where people will be able to see the homes starting to take shape. Anyone interested in applying for one of the homes, either to rent or to buy, or wanting to find out if they’re eligible, should contact Coastline Housing direct on 01209 200200.”

Earlier this year, before the current Covid-19 emergency would have halted the fieldwork, pupils from Nancledra School spent an afternoon on the site near the centre of the village with Cornwall Wildlife Trust’s junior section, Wildlife Watch.

This was the first of three wildlife sessions supported by the CCLT and funded by Cornwall Community Foundation. The sessions encourage children to learn about wildlife in and around the site and highlight what we will do to safeguard it during the building phase.

While the houses are being built, the children’s group of Eco Warriors will continue to look after the plants they have found on the site, as well as learn how to promote wildlife on the development after building is completed. This will include creating wildlife information sheets.

Once the building works are over, the plants will be returned and carefully replanted at the site.