More support for community-led homes

CCLT can now offer even more help for community-led homes (CLH).

Cornwall CLT has been supported as part of the Community Led Homes Enabler Hub Grants Programme. The Programme aims to expand the network of specialist regional organisations helping groups of local people to develop their own community led housing solutions. Funded by the Community Housing Fund from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). More information can be found at www.communityledhomes.org.uk/getfunding

As part of the Programme, our newly appointed CLH officer, Pattie Richmond, has joined our team to help not just local CLTs and housing working parties, but to link the needs of co-housing, housing cooperatives and self-help housing groups to experts in those fields and to support efforts to produce strong business plans in order to help communities wishing to meet their local housing need.

We have also secured a modest but important Technical Assistance Fund to help start-up groups in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly access the extra technical assistance they might require.

It’s an exciting return to the front-line for Pattie who was the first Development Officer with Cornwall Rural Housing Association when it was set up in 1987. CCLT’s Chief Executive, Andrew George, was one of the first shareholder members and supporters when the highly successful CRHA was established. It’s great to have Pattie, with her wide experience, back with us.


Please get in touch directly with  to find out about the technical assistance that may be available.