Latest Webinar now available to watch and to download

How to Build Affordable Homes and Combat the Climate Emergency

27th April 2022

Cornish communities can and are helping to alleviate the housing emergency and in a sustainable and cost-effective way.

Cornwall Community Land Trust’s recent Webinar, held on 27th April, was the latest in a series of events which provide practical support to communities working to deliver affordable homes for locals throughout Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

With presentations from Cornwall Council members and officers, Homes England, other housing providers, funders and expert professionals in the field, the Webinar explored the challenges of building energy efficient, sustainable dwellings on an affordable budget, including the benefits of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) with informed points of view on its legal, procurement and construction aspects.

Over 125 participants signed up for the event.  Our previous Webinar, in October last year, tackled the thorny issue of Finance and Funding and included presentations from most of the national ethical funders of community-led housing projects, including Charity Bank, the Charities Aid Foundation and Ecology Building Society.

Cornwall Community Land Trust is working with over 25 communities to identify sites and develop proposals for much needed homes. It has four active planning applications for 73 homes, and another 21 homes on sites already with planning permission on St Marys, working with the Isles of Scilly Council, and on the mainland.  CCLT recently completed six homes for local families for affordable rents (i.e. at or below housing benefit level) in partnership with the local Grade Ruan CLT.

You can watch a full version of the Webinar here

and download copies of the programme and presentations HERE

Our next Webinar will be in October so look out for further details in due course.