Lanivet – A step closer

Plans to build around 15 affordable homes and to create a community orchard, nature reserve and recreation space at Lanivet have moved a step closer. The project – a partnership between Cornwall CLT and Lanivet Parish Council – has secured a government grant to take it up to planning stage.

CCLT and Lanivet Parish Council plan to purchase more than 6 acres of land off Clann Lane on the edge of the village. The grant from Homes England will meet costs for pre-development work.

This is a particularly exciting opportunity because as well as housing there is enough land on the site to provide open space and woodland which could also be put to community use.


The proposal was floated earlier this summer when more than 80 people attended a public event at Lanivet Community Centre where they were shown information about the project and invited to share their ideas for use of the land.

A member of Cornwall Councils Affordable Housing Team was also there to help people take part in a survey to better understand the nature of the large housing need in the area, as well as to offer advice on how to register to be considered for one the affordable homes once the scheme is underway.

Lanivet Parish Councillor and Chair of the Housing Working Party, Danny Batten, says: “It’s a unique site and offers a unique opportunity to create a lasting legacy for the village not only for children but for the whole community who can use this piece of land including of course the new residents in the affordable housing.”

“It could be a wood land play area, a wildlife area? Maybe a community orchard or even a green gym?  There are lots of possibilities..”