Housing Crisis? Can communities lead the fightback?

Thank you to all of those you joined us for our Seminar / Webinar a couple of weeks ago.  We were delighted with the response and the positive feedback.

For those who were unable to attend, the answer to the question is “YES!  And communities ARE taking the lead, delivering much-needed homes to meet the housing needs of locals in perpetuity.”

For those of you who attended, either in person or online, copies of the presentations are now available in pdf form here.

For anyone else who registered but was unable to join us this time, a recording of all the excellent presentations and most of the questions raised can be seen in the video below.

Happy viewing!

Do keep an eye out on our website for further news, including the next in our series of Seminar/Webinars in 2024
We’re always very pleased to receive feedback so please get in touch with any comments or further queries via

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