Funding for CLTs

There’s never been a better time to come and talk to us.

Earlier this year the Government announced phase 2 of its Community Housing Fund. £163 million is available up to 2021 specifically for Community Land Trusts.

The money will be available in the form of revenue grants to help community led housing groups with the initial planning stages of affordable housing schemes. It’s a large amount of money but we anticipate a lot of uptake from CLT’s across the UK. So while applications for the funding can be submitted up until the end of 2019 we suspect the pot could be empty by the summer.

So even if your community is simply at the stage where there is an ‘intention’ to provide affordable housing in your local area, get in touch and come in to talk to us. We can advise you on the next steps forward and guide you through the process to turn your ideas and hopes into a reality, just as has happened at Rame this year where Community Housing Fund  grants helped to provide 16 new affordable homes for local families.

More information about the Community Housing Fund is available HERE