Covid-19 update

Like other organisations, CCLT is endeavouring to maintain its activities during the challenge of the Covid-19 emergency.

CCLT is determined to look after the health and wellbeing of our staff and residents. The situation in which we all find ourselves is changing on a daily basis and we will continue to closely monitor the guidance issued by Public Health England. Our officers can still be contacted via telephone on 01872 243554, or by email , whilst we work remotely, following Public Heath England’s current advice.

CCLT had hoped to start on site with two projects, in Penwith and on The Lizard peninsula, during the next couple of months. However it is possible that these projects may now be delayed.

However, we will do our upmost to keep all our numerous pre-development and development projects, community consultations and housing development groups active through remote conferencing.

Please stay in contact with us during this difficult period. We will keep channels of communication open for all of our residents and tenants who can still get in touch with us in the usual way.

Finally, we are aware that many local communities have set-up local support groups to help affected households. We urge you all to continue considering your neighbours, particularly the elderly, vulnerable and those living alone at this time. They will need your help and support.

We will issue regular updates to make sure you are kept informed of any changes or developments.