Cornwall Community Land Trust Annual Meeting

Cornwall Community Land Trust will hold its Annual Meeting on Thursday 29th June at 10 am at Penventon Hotel, Redruth (please note this is a change of date).

An opportunity for Cornwall Community Land Trust and supporters to celebrate another successful year and to hear about our plans for the future. Our work with local communities is growing and we have a healthy pipeline of up to 200 homes over the next 2 years.  Cornwall CLT is already one of the most successful Community Land Trusts in the United Kingdom.

Any supporters are welcome to attend our Annual Meeting, though of course only members are entitled to vote.

We will hold the meeting face-to-face and online. If you want to attend and have not yet joined CCLT, please email Sharon at

Registered Number: 30200R


The Sixteenth Annual General Meeting of Cornwall CLT Limited will be held at 10:00 AM on Thursday 29th June, 2023 in the Venetian Room at the Penventon Hotel, West End, Redruth, TR15 1TE or via Microsoft Teams.


  1. Welcome and introductions.
  2. Apologies for absence.
  3. Declarations of interest
  4. Confirmation of the minutes of the Fifteenth Annual General Meeting held on 22nd June, 2022.
  5. To receive the annual report.
  6.  To receive the accounts, balance sheet and report on progress of audit from RRL LLP – for the year, ending 31st December, 2022.
  7. Appointment of Auditors for year ending 31st December, 2023.
  8. Code of Governance – Annual statement of compliance
  9. Elections to the Board –
    Rule 63.1 states that if at an annual general meeting, the candidates for election as board members do not exceed the number of vacancies on the Board, the Chair shall declare those candidates to have been duly elected.
  10. To approve an amendment of CCLT’s Rules in respect of the date for the AGM – clause 33. Proposed by Chair and Vice Chair of the Board. As follows:

Annual general meeting

The association shall hold a general meeting called the annual general meeting within [delete “six calendar months” and insert] 38 weeks* after the close of each of its financial years.

*This would mean that AGM’s would need to be held by mid-September each year. The reason for this is that our appointed Auditors have struggled to complete all of the required work in time for our AGM for the last 2 years. Our intention would still be to hold the AGM by end July, but this would permit us the flexibility if required.

To take effect this amendment requires the support of a two-thirds majority
of shareholding members who take part in the vote.

11.  Close of business

By order of the Board
Mervyn Thomas
Cornwall CLT Limited

Teams meeting online link:
Click here to join the meeting