“Community spirit has not been furloughed by the Covid pandemic” says Cornwall Community Land Trust

Cornwall Community Land Trust has continued to operate at full capacity during the Covid-19 crisis without furloughing staff and has proven determined to overcome the unexpected challenges, including having to work remotely with its partners and clients whilst the pandemic restrictions last.

CCLT will restart construction work next month on another all-affordable homes project in Grade Ruan and will complete a partnership agreement to commence work on another project in West Cornwall soon after.

For this new project, CCLT will be partnering with Coastline Housing to deliver nine new affordable homes – five available for rent and four for shared ownership. These properties are to be prioritised for people with a local connection. Construction will take 12 months and hopefully the new residents will be in their homes before the end of 2021.

Those interested in any of the rental homes which CCLT help to deliver should be registered with Cornwall Home Choice. Cornwall CLT can advise how to apply for homes being sold for shared ownership or other intermediate purchase on a project by project basis.

All future construction and other work will be carried out in full compliance with official guidance on safe working and social distancing requirements at all times on site.

Cornwall Community Land Trust is the most successful Community Land Trust in the country, having delivered more projects than any other – over 250 community-led homes completed in the last decade and over 150 more in the pipeline. Many projects have been delivered with local CLTs and with the support of partners including Cornwall Council, Coastline Housing, Aster Housing, Cornwall Rural Housing Association, the Charities Aid Foundation, Cornwall Community Foundation and the Government agency, Homes England.

CCLT is indebted to its dedicated group of volunteer members and Board of Management who give their time and professional expertise free of charge and to its small team of committed housing professionals who are dedicated to deliver the charitable objectives of the CLT. They have all adjusted well to finding new ways of working and to avoid losing momentum on much needed projects which meet the desperate housing need of local families.

CCLT officers can still be contacted via telephone on 01872 243554, or by email . More information can be found at www.cornwallclt.org.