CCLT Welcomes New Board Member

CCLT is delighted to welcome our newest Board member, Kate Tricker. She’s been a tenant in one of CCLT’s homes at Blunts near Saltash for nearly 8 years. She lives there with her husband Simon and sons Mawgan (6) and Jacob (9).

CCLT homes are for locals who would struggle to afford a home in the private market. And Kate couldn’t be more local. Born and brought up on a farm just half a mile away, Kate has always lived and worked locally. She’s a finance officer for a company based in Plymouth (though of course currently working from home), while Simon works at a garage in Saltash.

Kate says “I’m really looking forward to serving as a volunteer Board member with Cornwall Community Land Trust. They’re keen to have a CCLT home occupant on the Board and I’m keen to let them know what it’s like.

“I always tell people we live in the perfect home in the perfect area. A good quality 3 bed home with plenty of space and a good size garden. This is what local working families deserve. But too often it’s difficult to find, especially at an affordable price or rent.
“It’s a nice, quiet and safe environment in a friendly community. Everyone here knows all the children. Ok, we don’t have a shop but I was brought up here so I’m used to that. We’re just 2 and a half miles from school and shops at Landrake and equi-distant from Liskeard, Callington and Saltash. 
“I look forward to doing what I can and giving the Board a tenant’s viewpoint. Cornwall needs more of what CCLT can provide for local families. I hope I can do my bit to help.

Chief Executive Andrew George said, “it’s so great to have Kate in the team. We want and need an honest appraisal of our work from a tenant’s perspective. Kate also brings important professional skills and will help to balance the inevitable older age profile of Boards like ours. I want Kate to ask the awkward questions which challenge the way we work and help us do even better. We really look forward to her making what we know will be a strong contribution to our growing work and ambitions.
“In any case, she’s the Secretary of a local boxing club, so I don’t think anyone will be keen to disagree with her!”