CCLT celebrate pre-development success

CCLT has seen significant progress in completing pre-development work in three communities across Cornwall and the isles of Scilly in the last 12 months. 

It has secured planning permission (on appeal) for 29 all affordable homes at Newlyn last summer.  This has been followed by permission for 10 all affordable homes at Gwennap and 9 all affordable homes at Treskerby.  This follows efforts to work with partners on the Isles of Scilly – including the Council and the Duchy to commence work on 12 self-build first-time homes for Islanders. This work is ongoing.

CCLT is also negotiating with landowners in North Petherwin with the intention of resurrecting a project which had previously been abandoned for the delivery of 11 all affordable homes in the village.  The long-standing efforts, supported by Breage Housing Working Party, is expected to result in planning being granted soon for 6 all affordable homes in Carleen.  The planning application for 29 affordable homes at St Dennis was submitted in late 2019!  After many delays mostly with statutory consultees – CCLT hopes to secure planning for this project very soon.  Similarly, at Lanivet, after many hold-ups – including being caught by the Camel Catchment Phosphate Controls – the work of the village housing working party will, we hope, come to fruition with permission granted for 15 all affordable homes, anticipated soon.

CCLT hopes to confirm a start on site for Newlyn with development partner Aster Housing later this year.  It is hoped that the homes will be further converted to all social rent – ie 50-60% of market rent – as well as, of course, being prioritised for local people from the Newlyn and Penzance area.

However, CCLT is not the only housing charity to face intense difficulties in securing the viability on these projects and to ensure that they can start on site efficiently.  Some will remain stalled until the construction market settles and construction estimates and tender prices provide greater confidence for CCLT and its charitable development partners.

In the meantime, CCLT’s successful community-led homes for locals model is being pursued in the parishes of Landewednack, St Keverne, Tintagel, Sennen, St Just, Linkinhorne, St Endellion and many others.

Please contact CCLT for more information about these projects or if you wish CCLT