Tintagel Parish Housing Survey

The Tintagel Housing Working Party is working with Cornwall Community Land Trust on a project to deliver up to 28 affordable homes for local people on land at Molesworth Street, Tintagel. As well as undertaking professional site surveys and preparing a project design, Cornwall CLT is supporting the local community in undertaking a Housing Needs…

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Cornwall Community Land Trust Annual Meeting

Cornwall Community Land Trust will be holding its Annual Meeting on Tuesday 25th June at 10.30 am at CRCC, The Chambers, Redruth, Cornwall, TR15 2SP or online. This year we will meet in sombre circumstances following the very recent and unexpected death of our founding Director and former Chief Executive and Company Secretary, Alan Fox. As…

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Welcome to Steve Goulston

We’re delighted to introduce Steve Goulston as CCLT’s newly appointed Joint Chief Executive Officer. Steve took up post in April and will work alongside Andrew George who has been CEO, since late 2015. Steve joins CCLT following an impressive career in the construction and development sectors. He started his career a chartered accountant, finance controller…

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Joining forces with Cornwall Rural Community Charity – finding new sites for the homes our communities need

Cornwall Community Land Trust is delighted to announce it is joining forces with Cornwall Rural Community Charity (CRCC) to implement a short project to seek new sites and opportunities for community-led affordable homes in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Abdo Salah, will lead the project for CCLT, working in partnership with CRCC and Cornwall…

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St Keverne

St Keverne HWP together with Cornwall CLT and its architects Mitchells hosted a community consultation event in late January to show and discuss draft plans and proposals for its 18-homes scheme on land off Lemon St. with interested local residents. As a result, we are working with our consultants to revise and improve the proposals…

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Ennor Farm, St Mary’s

A major step forward in this complex and urgently needed project to create 12 homes through the self-build route on a site in Old Town with the submission of the Reserved Matters Application for the site to the Council for the Isles of Scilly Planning Department in late March. This work completed by KTA Architects,…

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Community-led Housing and the forthcoming election

As a charity Cornwall CLT is non-Party political. However, we continue our series of sharing relevant manifestos and Campaigns from within the CLH sector. CLT Network: Community Land Trusts Manifesto 2024 The CLT Network has published it’s 2024 Community Land Trusts Manifesto with policies that would enable community led developments to account for at least…

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