Application for homes in Nancledra

On Monday March 11th our application to build 9 affordable homes for locals in the West Cornwall village of Nancledra will go before Cornwall Council’s West Sub Area Planning Committee.

Locals in Nancledra say their village will end up frozen in time unless the plans for the affordable housing development gets the go ahead 

We (CCLT) have held a series of Public Consultation events where there has been overwhelming support. A pre-planning consultation in July CCLT elicited 46 completed forms and letters from local people. 85% of these were in support of the plans.

Jenny Nankervis, who lives in Nancledra, leads the Housing Working Party. She says it’s impossible for young people to buy or rent a home in the village they are from. 

Jenny Nankervis “It’s tragic, the only young people I see coming in and out of the village are carers and cleaners. Young people can’t afford to stay in the area so we’re losing the young blood that helps to keep a community diverse and vibrant. The cost of the houses is way above young people’s reach even if two parents are holding down well paid, full time jobs.” 

The scheme has the support of Cornwall Council’s Affordable Housing Team. The Home Choice Register and our own survey proves there’s a need for at least 22 homes and just from those with a Towednack Parish connection. If you add Ludgvan and Zennor Parishes to the list the numbers increase significantly. 

Currently only 3 of the 110 pupils at Nancledra School actually live in the village. In September that number falls to just a single child living in Nancledra who attends Nancledra School.

The Headteacher Rick Gill believes it’s crucial the affordable housing development goes ahead.

Rick says “Over the past couple of years we’ve talked to a lot of parents at the school and many people in the community round here, we have clearly identified a need. Lots of parents have come forward. Lots of families have come forward who want somewhere to live and are living in cramped and expensive accommodation in St Ives and the surrounding area and are desperate for a home for themselves and their young families. “

This is clearly a well thought out affordable development. Cornwall Community Land Trust, their parameters for building houses, their policies and their ethos is one that I as a school leader support.”