Another successful year

Cornwall Community Land Trust celebrates another successful year – a great celebration of the opening of the Ruan Minor CLT rented homes project at Easter and building a very strong pipeline of 20 projects and six planning applications which will be determined in 2023.

Opening of  scheme at Ruan Minor, April 2022

Opening of scheme at Ruan Minor, April 2022

Though the Newlyn Housing Working Party experienced a disappointing set-back in July when Cornwall Councillors voted to refuse planning for its 29 affordable homes project in spite of the planning officer’s recommendation to approve (a decision which will be appealed) other proposals from Lanivet, Carleen, St Dennis, Treskerby and at Gwennap are with planners now. We anticipate a site for 12 community-led self-build homes at Old Town, St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly will commence early in 2023. And community organisations have formed to bring forward projects at Tintagel, St Keverne, Landewednack (the Lizard), St Ives, St Endellion and in a dozen other locations where land or sites have been identified or where community groups or local CLTs are starting out.

At Nancledra Coastline Housing is about to hand back the lease to CCLT on a project offered to it in 2019. CCLT will commence the work to find a way of breathing life into this project for 9 affordable homes in 2023, despite the challenges caused to this and many other affordable home projects by very high construction industry inflation. The Nancledra project is certainly not alone in 2022. Many larger housing associations have faced similar problems. We look forward in hope of market conditions easing next year.