Community-led Housing and the forthcoming election

As a charity Cornwall CLT is non-Party political.

However, the CLT sector will be encouraging all parties to back efforts to address the desperate need for good quality, secure, in perpetuity affordable homes and especially the critically important role which communities can play in addressing their own housing need. CCLT would like to share relevant manifestos and Campaigns with our supporters.

The first we have to share is :

The Confederation of Co-operative Housing (CCH) is launching its Manifesto for Change today which sets out recommendations to enable communities to shape their own housing futures.

Blase Lambert, CCH’s Chief Executive Officer said:

‘The United Nations specialised agency for work, the International Labour Organisation, adopted its Recommendation 193 which provides a framework for renewed growth of the co-operative movement in 2002. To date, the UK Government has not implemented this Recommendation.

CCH is calling on the next Government to work in partnership with the UK co-operative movement to create this framework for co-operative growth.

Our Manifesto for Change sets out a number of key recommendations to create a bespoke form of tenure and enabling financial, legal and regulatory frameworks that will drive growth in the UK housing co-operative and community led housing sector and also sets out proposals for the social housing sector that will significantly enhance resident voice, choice and control.’

You can read our manifesto and 2 page summary here.

What can you do now?

  • take the two page executive summary and use it to lobby and influence people in the run up to the general election
  • ask your prospective MPs to take the recommendations into the next government
  • attend your hustings and raise some of the issues in the manifesto

We will produce some lobbying guidance closer to the time.

If you would like to discuss anything in the manifesto please contact us .